H e l l o !

you can call me jia

this account is for me to cry over Light & Night + 绘旅人: random translations and thoughts that will contain nsfw and 18+ content so please do not follow if you are a minor

you can find my subbed videos for L&N & 绘旅人 at youtube

chi / eng / simple kor ; let's chat and fangirl together!

currently playing:

🌟 光与夜之恋 / Light & Night : i love all of them and I have a bias for 萧逸 Osborn and 陆沉 Evan;

⏱️ 时空中的绘旅人 / For All Time : i love all of them and I have a bias for 艾因 Ayn, 路辰 Alkaid and 司岚 Clarence;

⭐️ 璀璨星途 : slowww progress and i like 余浪 Yu Lang and 初夏 Chu Xia